Last updated: May 11, 2012
National Cooperative Study of Hereditary Prostate Cancer in African-Americans - How the Hereditary Prostate Cancer Study Works
National Cooperative Study of Hereditary Prostate Cancer in African-Americans
How the Hereditary Prostate Cancer Study Works
- Fill out the questionnaire and return it to the study doctor.
- The doctor will look over your questionnaire and decide whether your family is suitable for the study. (If you are not selected, your family may not have enough members who have prostate cancer to be in the study.)
- If your family history indicates you are suitable for the study, you will be called and asked more questions about yourself and your family's medical history.
- If you and your family agree to be in the study, you will be asked to read and sign a consent form. You will also be asked to give permission to let the doctor have a copy of your medical records, and you will be asked more questions. A small blood sample will also be taken.
- a) A copy of your medical records and questionnaire will be kept by the doctor.
b) Blood and medical information without your name will be sent to the Coordinating Center at Howard University in Washington, D.C. for further testing.