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The Genome Statute and Legislation Database is comprised of state statutes and bills introduced during the 2002-2024 U.S. state legislative sessions.


NHGRI's Table of State Statutes Related to Genomics provides the total number of states that have enacted legislation on the topics in the database, together with a description of each topic. The Genome Statute and Legislation Database is reviewed and updated monthly. Searchable topics in the database include employment and insurance discrimination, health insurance coverage, privacy, research, the use of residual newborn screening specimens and other topics of interest.

Definitions of terms such as "bill", "statute", and "regulation" are available through the Glossary of Statutory, Legislative,and Regulatory Terms.

For other helpful links and legislative databases, please see Additional Resources.

State Primary Link Topic(s) Bill Status Summary Sort descending
Nebraska Genetic discrimination Approved

Adopt the Genetic Information Privacy Act.

Illinois Neonatal sequencing Introduced

As Introduced: Amends Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act. Creates the Cannabis Equity and Oversight Commission. Provides that the Commission shall administer and enforce the provisions of the Act relating to the oversight, licensing, registration, and certification of dispensing organizations, cultivation centers, craft growers, infuser organizations, transporting organizations, laboratories, and agents, including, but not limited to, the issuance of identification cards and establishing limits on the potency or serving size of cannabis or cannabis products. Provides that the Commission may suspend or revoke the license of, or impose other penalties upon, dispensing organizations, cultivation centers, craft growers, infuser organizations, transporting organizations, laboratories, and their principal officers, agents-in-charge, and agents for violations of the Act or any rules adopted under the Act. Makes conforming changes throughout various Acts. Contains other provisions. Effective July 1, 2023.

Illinois Genetic discrimination Introduced

As Introduced: Amends the Genetic Information Privacy Act. Provides that an insurer may not seek information derived from genetic testing for use in connection with a policy of life insurance. Provides that an insurer may consider the results of genetic testing in connection with a policy of life insurance if the individual voluntarily submits the results and the results are favorable to the individual. Amends the Illinois Insurance Code. Provides that an insurer must comply with the provisions of the Genetic Information Privacy Act in connection with the amendment, delivery, issuance, or renewal of a life insurance policy; claims for or denial of coverage under a life insurance policy; or the determination of premiums or rates under a life insurance policy.

Illinois Neonatal sequencing Introduced

As Introduced: Creates the Sickle Cell Prevention, Care, and Treatment Program Act. Requires the Department of Public Health to establish a grant program for the prevention, care, and treatment of sickle cell disease and for educational programs concerning the disease. Requires the Department to: (1) develop application criteria and standards of eligibility for groups or organizations that apply for funds under the program; and (2) make available grants to groups and organizations that meet the eligibility standards set by the Department. Provides that the highest priority for grants shall be given to established sickle cell disease community-based organizations, and priority shall be given to ensuring the establishment of sickle cell disease centers in underserved areas with a higher population of sickle cell disease patients. Requires the Department to determine the maximum amount available for each grant; determine policies for the expiration and renewal of grants; require that all grant funds be used for the purpose of prevention, care, and treatment of sickle cell disease or for educational programs concerning the disease; and develop a sickle cell disease educational outreach program that includes the dissemination of educational materials to specified persons and institutions. Permits the Department to contract with an entity to implement the outreach program. Requires the Department to adopt rules. Requires the Department to conduct a study to determine the prevalence, impact, and needs of individuals with sickle cell disease and the sickle cell trait in Illinois. Provides that implementation of the Act is subject to appropriation. Amends the State Finance Act. Creates the Sickle Cell Chronic Disease Fund.

Illinois Neonatal sequencing Introduced

As Introduced: Repeals the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act. Amends various Acts to make conforming changes. Effective immediately.

Illinois Neonatal sequencing Introduced

As Introduced: Restores the statutes to the form in which they existed before their amendment by Public Act 102-662. Repeals the Energy Transition Act, the Energy Community Reinvestment Act, the Community Energy, Climate, and Jobs Planning Act, and the Illinois Clean Energy Jobs and Justice Fund Act. Effective immediately.

Minnesota Lab Developed Tests Died

Direct-to-consumer genetic testing companies required to provide disclosure notices and obtain consent.

Minnesota Genetic data storage/privacy/sharing (industry), Lab Developed Tests Died

Direct-to-consumer genetic testing companies requirement to provide disclosure notices and obtain consent.

Minnesota Coverage and reimbursement Died

Health and human services supplemental budget bill.

Georgia Neonatal sequencing Died

Relating to medical assistance generally, so as to provide for Medicaid coverage of rapid whole genome sequencing; to define a term; to provide for eligibility criteria; to provide for coverage criteria; to provide for necessary approvals and administrative actions.

Georgia Neonatal sequencing Died

Relating to medical assistance generally, so as to provide for Medicaid coverage of rapid whole genome sequencing; to define a term; to provide for eligibility criteria; to provide for coverage criteria; to provide for necessary approvals and administrative actions.

Hawaii Neonatal sequencing Died

Relating to privacy. Prohibits the department of health or any recipient of individually identifiable health information of a newborn child obtained through genetic and metabolic screening tests required by law to disclose to any person other than the newborn child's parents, guardian, or other persons having custody or control of the newborn child, any individually identifiable health information of a newborn child, including disclosure to a law enforcement officer. establishes that any information obtained by a law enforcement officer in violation of this prohibition shall be deemed evidence acquired by unlawful means.

Hawaii Genetic data storage/privacy/sharing (medicine), Neonatal sequencing Died

Relating to privacy. Prohibits the department of health or any recipient of individually identifiable health information of a newborn child obtained through genetic and metabolic screening tests required by law to disclose to any person other than the newborn child's parents, guardian, or other persons having custody or control of the newborn child, any individually identifiable health information of a newborn child, including disclosure to a law enforcement officer. establishes that any information obtained by a law enforcement officer in violation of this prohibition shall be deemed evidence acquired by unlawful means.

California Neonatal sequencing Died

SB 625 would make changes to the California Newborn Screening Program.

California Neonatal sequencing Died

SB 625 would make changes to the California Newborn Screening Program.

Maryland Privacy Died

A business that owns or licenses computerized data that includes personal information such as genetic information of an individual must conduct a reasonable and prompt investigation upon the breach of the security of a system. April 3, 2019 Unfavorable Report by Finance.

Maryland Privacy Died

A business that owns or licenses computerized data that includes personal information such as genetic information of an individual must conduct a reasonable and prompt investigation upon the breach of the security of a system. Died.

Maine Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination, Research Statute

A carrier that issues individual or group hospital, health or dental insurance and the Dirigo Health Self-administered Plan may not discriminate against an individual or eligible dependent on the basis of genetic information, the refusal to submit to a genetic test, refusal to make available the results of a genetic test, or based on the receipt of a genetic test or genetic counseling. A carrier may request, but not require, that an individual undergo a genetic test if the request is made pursuant to research that complies with the Common Rule and other specified criteria are met. Life, credit life, disability, long-term care, accidental injury, specified disease, hospital indemnity or credit accident insurers or an annuity may not (1) discriminate unfairly, which includes the use of genetic test results in a manner that is not reasonably related to anticipated claims experience, or (2) request, require, purchase or use information obtained from a direct-to-consumer genetic test without consent of the individual tested.

California Other Topics Died

A certified peace officer must have their certificate suspended or revoked, and an applicant must have their application for a certificate denied, upon a determination that the peace officer or applicant meets certain conditions. Requires the development of a definition of �serious misconduct," which will serve as the criteria to be considered for suspension or revocation of a certificate. This definition must include certain examples of serious misconduct such as bias in the performance of a peace officer or custodial officer�s duties, including, but not limited to, verbal statements, writings, online posts, recordings, and gestures involving prejudice or discrimination against a person on the basis of genetic information. Carries over to 2022.

California Other Topics Died

A certified peace officer must have their certificate suspended or revoked, and an applicant must have their application for a certificate denied, upon a determination that the peace officer or applicant meets certain conditions. Requires the development of a definition of �serious misconduct," which will serve as the criteria to be considered for suspension or revocation of a certificate. This definition must include certain examples of serious misconduct such as bias in the performance of a peace officer or custodial officer�s duties, including, but not limited to, verbal statements, writings, online posts, recordings, and gestures involving prejudice or discrimination against a person on the basis of genetic information. Carries over to 2022.

Illinois Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination Enacted

A company providing direct-to-consumer commercial genetic testing is prohibited from sharing genetic test information or other personally identifiable information about a consumer with any health or life insurance company without written consent from the consumer. Direct-to-consumer genetic tests are added to the definition of genetic test under the Genetic Information privacy Act. 7/26/2019 Public Act. Effective January 1, 2020.

Illinois Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A group health plan and a health insurance issuer offering group health_insurance_coverage may not impose a pre-existing condition exclusion based on genetic information in the absence of a diagnosis or establish rules for eligibility or continued eligibility based on a health status-related factor, including genetic information.

New Jersey Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A group health plan may not establish rules for eligibility or continued eligibility based on health status-related factors, including genetic information, or impose a pre-existing condition exclusion based on genetic information in the absence of a diagnosis. Health status-related factor also is defined to include genetic information applicable to sections 1 to 15 of chapter 17B:27A, and the definition of pre-existing condition excludes genetic information in the absence of a diagnosis under provisions applicable to small employer health benefit plans.

Montana Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A group health plan or a health insurance issuer offering group health_insurance_coverage may not impose a pre-existing condition exclusion based on genetic information. A group health plan or a health insurance issuer offering group health_insurance_coverage may not establish rules for eligibility or continued eligibility of any individual to enroll under the terms of the group health plan based on health status-related factors, including genetic information.

Louisiana Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A group health plan, and a health insurance issuer offering group health_insurance_coverage may not use genetic information in the absence of a diagnosis as the basis for a pre-existing condition exclusion or establish rules for eligibility or continued eligibility based on a health status-related factor, including genetic information.

West Virginia Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A health benefit plan issued in connection with a group health plan may not impose a pre-existing condition exclusion based on genetic information in the absence of a diagnosis. A health status-related factor is defined to include genetic information as defined in section of the statutes pertaining to individual group accident and sickness insurance.

Nebraska Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A health benefit plan may not treat genetic information as a pre-existing condition in the absence of a diagnosis. A health carrier may not establish rules for eligibility and continued eligibility of any individual to enroll under the terms of the health benefit plan based on a health status-related factor, including genetic information.

Oregon Health Insurance Coverage Died

A health benefit plan offered in Oregon must provide coverage for BRCA testing, if indicated. Died.

Oregon Health Insurance Coverage Enacted

A health benefit plan offered in Oregon must provide coverage for screening to determine whether counseling about BRCA testing is indicated. Governor signed. Effective 8/15/2017.

California Employment Nondiscrimination Enacted

A health benefit plan offered to a small employer, as defined in Section 1304(b) of PPACA and in Section 10753, may not establish rules for eligibility, including continued eligibility, of an individual, or dependent of an individual, to enroll under the terms of the plan based on health status-related factors, including genetic information. Approved by the Governor June 28, 2014.

New Mexico Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A health benefit plan that is offered by a carrier or an approved health plan offered to a small employer and plans subject to the Health Insurance Portability Act may not impose a pre-existing condition exclusion based on genetic information in the absence of a diagnosis. A group health plan and a health insurance issuer offering group health_insurance_coverage may not establish rules for eligibility or continued eligibility based a health status-related factor, including genetic information. A group health benefits plan or a health insurance issuer that offers group health_insurance_coverage in connection with a group health benefits plan from adjusting premiums or contribution amounts for the group covered under the plan on the basis of genetic information. Under the Small Group Rate and Renewability Act, provisions allowing a carrier to use health status in establishing the amount an employer may be charged for coverage under a group health plan exclude genetic information from the definition of health status.

North Carolina Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A health benefit plan, health maintenance organization or multiple employer welfare arrangement may not raise the premium or contribution rates paid for a group health benefit plan, refuse to issue or deliver a health benefit plan, or charge a higher premium rate or charge because of genetic information. Health benefit plans must comply with all applicable standards of the federal Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. Insurers providing accident and sickness policies or hospital, medical, or dental health service may not refuse to issue or deliver any policy that affords benefits or coverage for any medical treatment or service authorized or permitted by specified entities or carry a higher premium rate or charge by reason of the fact that the person to be insured possesses sickle cell trait or hemoglobin C trait. A group health insurer may not establish rules for eligibility or continued eligibility based on a health status-related factor, including genetic information, or treat genetic information as a pre-existing condition in the absence of a diagnosis. An individual health insurer may not increase an individual's renewal premium for continued health_insurance_coverage based on a health statusrelated factors, including genetic information. A sponsoring association of an employee welfare benefit program may not condition eligibility for coverage, including continuing eligibility for coverage, on health status related factors such as genetic information.

Washington Privacy, Research Statute

A health care provider, an individual who assists a health care provider in the delivery of health care, or an agent and employee of a health care provider may not disclose health care information, including a patient's deoxyribonucleic acid and identified sequence of chemical base pairs, about a patient to any other person without the patient's written authorization. A health care provider may disclose health care information to researchers if the health care provider or health care facility obtains the informed consent for the use of the patient's health care information for research purposes.

Arizona Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A health care services organization may not cancel an enrollee's evidence of coverage issued on a group basis because of criteria specified in the statutes, including such health status-related factors. Genetic information is a health status-related factor.

Oklahoma Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Research Died

A health carrier offering health benefit plans providing individual market health_insurance_coverage may not (1) impose a pre-existing condition exclusion on the basis of genetic information, (2) establish rules for the eligibility, including continued eligibility, of any individual to enroll for coverage based on genetic information, (3) adjust premium or contribution amounts for an individual on the basis of genetic information concerning the individual or a family member of the individual, (4) request or require an individual or a family member of an individual to undergo a genetic test, or (5) request or require or purchase genetic information for underwriting purposes or to determine eligibility. A health carrier may request, but not require, that an individual or a family member of the individual undergo a genetic test if the request is made pursuant to research that complies with Part 46 of Title 45, Code of Federal Regulations or equivalent federal regulations and any applicable state or local law or regulations for the protection of human subjects in research and other criteria are met. Died.

Nebraska Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A health carrier that decides to discontinue offering a particular type of individual policy or contract in the state and offer another option of coverage must act uniformly without regard to health status-related factors related to any covered individual, including genetic information. A health carrier offering a network health plan must terminate coverage uniformly, as permitted, without regard to health status-related factors, including genetic information.

Iowa Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A health carrier to notify a covered person of the right to request an external review and include appropriate statements and information in the written notice of a final adverse decision. Health carriers also must include with the notice an authorization form or other document developed by the state that complies with the federal Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act.

South Dakota Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination, Privacy Statute

A health carrier, long-term care insurer or life insurer from requiring or requesting an individual or his/her blood relative to take a genetic test or consider the fact that a genetic test was refused in determining eligibility for coverage, establishing premiums, limiting coverage, renewing coverage, or any other underwriting decision in connection with the offer, sale, or renewal of health insurance. The insurance director may promulgate rules concerning genetic information and group health benefit plans. In individual, group and blanket health insurance plans, genetic information may not be treated as a pre-existing condition in the absence of a diagnosis. Small employer carriers may not establish rules for eligibility or continued eligibility based on a health status-related factor, including genetic information. Prohibits any company providing genetic testing directly to a consumer from sharing any genetic test, genetic information, or other personally identifiable information of a consumer with any health carrier, life insurer, or long-term care insurer without written consent from the consumer. A company that provides genetic testing may communicate with a health carrier for the purposes of payment, coordination of medical treatment, or patient care so long as such communication is compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and only used for the purposes permitted.

Missouri Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A health insurance issuer offering group health_insurance_coverage may not establish rules for eligibility or continued eligibility of any individual to enroll under the terms of the group health plan based on health status-related factors, including genetic information, or impose a pre-existing condition exclusion based on genetic information in the absence of a diagnosis. A small employer carrier may apply reasonable criteria in determining whether to accept a small employer into a class of business, provided that the criteria are not based on a health status-related factor, including genetic information.

Montana Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

A health insurance issuer offering individual health_insurance_coverage in this state may not establish rules for eligibility or adjust premiums for any individual or individual's dependent to enroll in individual health_insurance_coverage based on genetic information. Individual health insurance issuers also may not impose any preexisting condition exclusion on the basis of genetic information or request or require an individual or a family member of an individual to undergo a genetic test. Died in Standing Committee.

California Health Insurance Coverage Died

A health insurance policy that is issued, amended, or renewed on or after January 1, 2022, may not apply a deductible, copayment, or coinsurance to coverage for screening services for prostate cancer for an insured who meets certain criteria. A person is 40 years of age or older and who is high risk, as determined by the attending or treating health care provider meets the criteria. High risk includes, but is not limited to, a person with a prostate who is Black, has a family history of prostate cancer, has a genetic predisposition to prostate cancer, or is a veteran. Carries over to 2022.

New Hampshire Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A health insurer in connection with providing health insurance may not (1) require or request an individual or family member to undergo genetic testing, whether a test was taken or the results of the testing, (2) condition the provision of health_insurance_coverage or health care benefits on whether an individual or family member has undergone genetic testing or the results of the testing, or (3) consider in the determination of rates or any other aspect of health_insurance_coverage or benefits whether an individual or family member has undergone genetic testing or the results of the testing. The statutes establish a right to civil action by aggrieved individuals.

Ohio Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A health insuring corporation may not (1) cancel or fail to renew the coverage because of any health status-related factor, including genetic information, (2) require an individual seeking coverage to submit to genetic screening or testing or taken into account or inquire about such testing, (3) make a decision adverse to the applicant based on entries in medical records or other reports of genetic screening or testing, or (4) cancel or refuse to issue or renew coverage for health care services based on the results of genetic screening or testing, or (6) limit benefits of an individual or group policy, contract, or agreement based on the results of genetic screening or testing. A violation of these provisions is an unfair and deceptive act or practice in the business of insurance. Further provisions apply upon the repeal of the current protections, which are in effect until February 9, 2014.

Nevada Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A health maintenance organization, a carrier serving small employers, a corporation that provides health insurance, individual health insurers and group health insurers may not (1) require an insured person or family member to take a genetic test or disclose whether one has been taken or (2) determine the rates or any other aspect of the coverage or benefits based on genetic information or whether the insured person or member of his family has taken a genetic test. These entities may not establish rules of eligibility based on a health status-related factor, including genetic information, or impose a pre-existing condition exclusion based on genetic information in the absence of a diagnosis. The provisions to not apply to any of the above entities in terms of the issuance of a policy of health insurance that provides coverage for long-term care or disability income. Insurers or organizations that provide health coverage pursuant to sections 689A, 689B, 689C, 695A, 695B, 695C, 695D, and 695F must comply with the federal law, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act.

Massachusetts Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A health maintenance organization, company, insurance broker, medical service corporation, non-profit hospital service corporation or preferred provider organization may not cancel, refuse to issue or renew, or make any distinction or discrimination in the amount of payment of premium or rates charged, in the length of coverage or in any of the terms and conditions based on genetic information. These entities may not require genetic tests or private genetic information.

Minnesota Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A health plan company in determining eligibility for coverage, establishing premiums, limiting coverage, renewing coverage, or any other underwriting decision may not (1) require or request an individual or his or her blood relative to take a genetic test, (2) make any inquiry about a genetic test or what the results of any such test were, or (3) take into consideration the fact that a genetic test was taken or refused or the results of such a test. A life insurance company or fraternal benefit society requiring a genetic test for the purpose of determining insurability for life insurance must obtain informed written consent. A violation is subject to the investigative and enforcement authority of the insurance commissioner.

Delaware Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A health status-related factor is defined to include genetic information with respect to large group health plans, individual health plans and small employer health insurance. Group health insurers may not establish rules for eligibility of an individual to enroll based on a health status related factor. Individual health insurers may not establish rules for eligibility of an individual to enroll under the terms of the coverage based on a health status-related factor.

Maryland Other Topics Died

A hospital or related institution may not discriminate in admitting or providing personal care based on genetic information. Died.

Maryland Other Topics Died

A hospital or related institution may not discriminate in admitting or providing personal care based on genetic information. Died.

Minnesota Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

A managed care organization that contracts with the health commissioner cannot discriminate or use any policy that has the effect of discriminating against people on the basis of genetic information. Died.

Displaying 1 - 50 of 1175

Additional Resources

Cornell Legal Information Institute
This website allows users to search for Federal and state laws and regulations. NHGRI’s Genome Statute and Legislation Database does not include regulations.

LawSeqSM Database
Developed at the University of Minnesota and Vanderbilt University Medical Center, this database allows users to search federal and state statutes, regulations, and reported judicial decisions. The database allows searches by jurisdiction (federal, state, and individuals states), source type, topic, and open text. This resource was developed by a project funded by NHGRI and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on “LawSeqSM: Building a Sound Legal Foundation for Translating Genomics into Clinical Application” (grant #: R01HG008605; Susan M. Wolf,. Ellen Wright Clayton, and Frances Lawrenz, principal investigators). The team keeps this database up to date.

National Society of Genetic Counselors
To find information about state genetic counselor licensing laws, visit the National Society of Genetic Counselors’ website. NHGRI’s Genome Statute and Legislation Database does not include state laws related to genetic counseling. 

  • Additional Resources

    Cornell Legal Information Institute
    This website allows users to search for Federal and state laws and regulations. NHGRI’s Genome Statute and Legislation Database does not include regulations.

    LawSeqSM Database
    Developed at the University of Minnesota and Vanderbilt University Medical Center, this database allows users to search federal and state statutes, regulations, and reported judicial decisions. The database allows searches by jurisdiction (federal, state, and individuals states), source type, topic, and open text. This resource was developed by a project funded by NHGRI and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on “LawSeqSM: Building a Sound Legal Foundation for Translating Genomics into Clinical Application” (grant #: R01HG008605; Susan M. Wolf,. Ellen Wright Clayton, and Frances Lawrenz, principal investigators). The team keeps this database up to date.

    National Society of Genetic Counselors
    To find information about state genetic counselor licensing laws, visit the National Society of Genetic Counselors’ website. NHGRI’s Genome Statute and Legislation Database does not include state laws related to genetic counseling. 

Last updated: September 14, 2023