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Genome Statute and Legislation Database

The Genome Statute and Legislation Database is comprised of state statutes and bills introduced during the 2002-2024 U.S. state legislative sessions.


The Genome Statute and Legislation Database is reviewed and updated monthly. Searchable topics in the database include employment and insurance discrimination, health insurance coverage, privacy, research, the use of residual newborn screening specimens and other topics of interest.

Definitions of terms such as "bill", "statute", and "regulation" are available through the Glossary of Statutory, Legislative, and Regulatory Terms.

For other helpful links and legislative databases, please see Additional Resources.

State Sort descending Primary Link Topic(s) Bill Status Summary
California Use of Residual Newborn Screening Specimens Enacted

This bill specifies that money from the genetic disease testing fund may be used for costs related to data management, and newborn blood collection, storage, retrieval, processing, inventory, and shipping. The health department, any entities approved by the department, and researchers shall maintain the confidentiality of patient information and blood samples in the same manner as other medical record information with patient identification and may use it only for approved research to (1) identify risk factors for children's and women's diseases;(2) research to develop and evaluate screening tests;(3) research to develop and evaluate prevention strategies; and(4) research to develop and evaluate treatments. The State Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects (CPHS) must determine if all of the if specified criteria are met for purposes of ensuring the security of a donor's personal information, before any blood samples are released pursuant for research purposes. Signed by the Governor September 25, 2010.

California Use of Residual Newborn Screening Specimens Died

This bill amends existing law pertaining to pregnancy blood samples. Existing law provides for the use of samples for approved research projects and establishes confidentiality and privacy protections with regard to samples and related personal information. This bill renames the term "pregnancy" blood samples by referring to them as "newborn" blood samples. Measure failed.

California Privacy, Research Statute

Creates the Genetic Information privacy Act. Requires a direct-to-consumer genetic testing company to do the following: (1) provide clear and complete information regarding the company�s policies and procedures for the collection, use, maintenance, and disclosure of genetic data; and (2) obtain a consumer�s express consent for collection, use, and disclosure of the consumer�s genetic data including, at a minimum, separate and express consent for each circumstance specified. Genetic data is defined as any data, regardless of its format, that results from the analysis of a biological sample from a consumer, or from another element enabling equivalent information to be obtained, and concerns genetic material. Genetic material includes, but is not limited to, deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA), ribonucleic acids (RNA), genes, chromosomes, alleles, genomes, alterations or modifications to DNA or RNA, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), uninterpreted data that results from the analysis of the biological sample, and any information extrapolated, derived, or inferred therefrom. Genetic data does not include deidentified data or data or a biological sample that is collected, used, maintained, and disclosed exclusively for scientific research conducted by an investigator with an institution that holds an assurance with the United States Department of Health and Human Services pursuant to Part 46 (commencing with Section 46.101) of Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations, in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations for the protection of human subjects in research.

California Employment Nondiscrimination Enacted

Prohibits discrimination against apprentices or applicants for apprenticeships in the building and construction trade based on genetic information. 9/22/2018 Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 675, Statutes of 2018.

California Employment Nondiscrimination Died

Prohibits licensing boards from requiring an examination or establishing any qualification for licensing that has an adverse impact on any class because of various attributes, including genetic information. Died.

California Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

Disability insurers covering hospital, medical and surgical expenses may not fail or refuse to accept an application, fail or refuse to issue insurance, cancel or refuse to renew insurance, charge a higher rate or premium, offer or provide different terms, conditions or benefits, or place a limitation on coverage based on genetic characteristics that may be associated with disability in a person of that persons offspring. These insurers also may not seek information about a persons genetic characteristics for non-therapeutic purposes. Specific penalties are set forth for violations. Life and disability insurers may not discriminate based solely on the fact that the person to be insured carries a gene that may be associated with disability in that person or the persons offspring, but which causes no adverse effects in the carrier, including but not limited to Tay-Sachs trait, sickle cell trait, thalassemia trait, and X-linked hemophilia trait.

California Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Enacted

Authorizes an association of employers to offer a large group health care service plan contract or large group health insurance policy to small group employer members of the association consistent with federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, if certain requirements are met. A policy or contract that is offered to or covers a small employer may not establish rules for eligibility, including continued eligibility, of an individual, or dependent of an individual, to enroll under the terms of the policy or contract based on various health status-related factors such as genetic information. 10/8/21 Approved by the Governor. Effective 1/1/2022.

California Other Topics Died

require the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California to adopt rules relating to inappropriate conduct, as defined, by board members, officers, and employees. Inappropriate conduct is defined as any conduct toward others that is physical, verbal, or visual based on or because of various characteristics, including genetic information. Carries over to 2022.

California Neonatal sequencing Died

SB 625 would make changes to the California Newborn Screening Program.

California Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Enacted

This bill requires carriers and health care service plans offering plan contracts in the individual market, other than individual grandfathered plan coverage, to offer to the responsible party for a child coverage for the child that does not exclude or limit coverage due to any preexisting condition of the child. A health care service plan may not condition the issuance or offering of individual coverage on certain factors, including genetic information. Signed by the Governor on September 30, 2010.

California Other Topics Died

This bill prohibits the denial of a workers' compensation claim solely because the motivation behind what caused the employee's injury or injury resulting in death was related to an immutable characteristic of the employee. The bill also states that physicians assigning apportionment to the causes of permanent disability by finding what approximate percentage of the disability is a direct result of the employment-related injury versus other factors may not consider genetic predisposition a cause or other factor of disability. Measure failed.

California Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

A person who underwrites or sells an annuity contract or contracts insuring, guaranteeing, or indemnifying against loss, harm, damage, illness, disability, or death, and any affiliate of that person or entity, shall not disclose individually identifiable information concerning the medical or genetic history of a customer for use with regard to granting credit.

California Other Topics Enacted

Prohibits a person from selling a gene therapy kit unless the seller includes a notice on the seller�s internet website that is displayed to the consumer prior to the point of sale, and on a label on the package, stating that the kit is not for self-administration. Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 140, Statutes of 2019. Effective January 1, 2020.

California Privacy Died

Language in introduced version, which pertained to genetic characteristics and workers compensation, was stricken. Amended version of bill states that peace officer and custodial officer personnel records maintained by a state or local agency are not confidential and are available for public inspection. Records available for inspection include those relating to an incident in which a sustained finding was made by any law enforcement agency or oversight agency that a peace officer or custodial officer engaged in conduct such as verbal statements, writings, online posts, recordings, and gestures, involving prejudice or discrimination against a person on the basis of various factors, including genetic information. Died.

California Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

Tests for genetic characteristics may not be required to determine insurability for life and disability income insurance except for policies contingent on review or testing for other diseases and conditions and only with informed consent. Policies may only limit benefits otherwise payable if loss is caused or contributed to by the presence or absence of genetic characteristics if the insurer imposes limitations for other medical conditions that present an increased risk. A life or disability income insurer may not request a genetic test to determine eligibility for hospital, medical or surgical insurance coverage or coverage under a nonprofit hospital service or health care service plan. The statutes set forth civil and criminal penalties for violations.

California Other Topics Died

A certified peace officer must have their certificate suspended or revoked, and an applicant must have their application for a certificate denied, upon a determination that the peace officer or applicant meets certain conditions. Requires the development of a definition of �serious misconduct," which will serve as the criteria to be considered for suspension or revocation of a certificate. This definition must include certain examples of serious misconduct such as bias in the performance of a peace officer or custodial officer�s duties, including, but not limited to, verbal statements, writings, online posts, recordings, and gestures involving prejudice or discrimination against a person on the basis of genetic information. Carries over to 2022.

California Research Enacted

This bill amends existing law on the protection of human subjects, which provides an exemption until January 1, 2011 for any medical experimental treatment that benefits a patient subject to a life-threatening emergency if prescribed conditions are met. This bill provides that this exemption remains in effect until January 1, 2014. Signed by the Governor July 15, 2010.

California Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill states that all biological data derived from post-CLIA bioinformatics services shall be considered to contain genetic characteristics, as defined in section 1374.7 of the Health and Safety Code and section 10146 of the Insurance Code and is subject to the prohibitions in those sections of the statutes. Measure failed.

California Employment Nondiscrimination Statute

These statute sections contain provisions from 2011 CA SB 559, referred to as CalGINA. The opportunity to seek, obtain, and hold employment without discrimination because of genetic information, is recognized as a civil right. It is an unlawful employment practice, unless based on a bonafide occupational qualification, to subject any employee, applicant or other person to a test for the presence of a genetic characteristic. In addition, a person in the State of California may not, on the basis of genetic information, be unlawfully denied full and equal access to the benefits of, or be unlawfully subjected to discrimination under, any program or activity that is conducted, operated, or administered by the state or by any state agency, is funded directly by the state, or receives any financial assistance from the state.

Colorado Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

Health-status related factor is defined to include genetic information in Title 10 Article 16, which pertains to health care coverage.

Colorado Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Privacy, Research Enacted

This bill amends definitions in the Colorado genetic nondiscrimination in health insurance law. The bill also adds a new section to the Colorado statutes pertaining to limitations on disclosure of genetic information and allows the use of genetic information by research facilities provided that the information is not disclosed to third parties other than to an individual's physician with his or her consent. Signed by the Governor May 25, 2010.

Colorado Privacy Died

Concerns a study of consumer protection regulation of digital communications platforms. Introduced version included a provision related to sensitive data such as genetic data. However, this provision was deleted from the engrossed version of the bill. Died.

Colorado Health Insurance Coverage Statute

The law requires breast cancer screening with mammography annually for persons with a predisposition to breast cancer.

Colorado Health Insurance Coverage Died

Amends existing coverage requirements for breast cancer screening with mammography for individuals with a genetic predispoition to breast cancer. Requires all sickness and accident insurance policies to provide coverage for breast imaging for all individuals possessing at least one risk factor for breast cancer, including a family history of breast cancer, being 40 years of age or older, or a genetic predisposition to breast cancer. Died.

Colorado Privacy Enacted

This bill amends section 10-3-1104.6 of the statutes by modifying a provision on limitations on disclosure of genetic information. The list of public health entities exempt from limitations on disclosure when conducting certain activities is reworded to include county, district or municipal public health agencies. Signed by the Governor on June 10, 2010.

Colorado Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Privacy, Research Statute

Genetic information the property of the individual, and written consent is required for its disclosure other than for diagnosis, treatment or therapy. Health care entities may not retain or use genetic information for non-therapeutic purposes or request or require a genetic test; however, test results may be used on a limited basis to make payment decisions. Exceptions under the law include the use of genetic information for scientific research if the identity of the individual to whom the genetic information pertains is not disclosed to a third party other than the individuals physician with written consent. The law provides remedies for individuals whose rights are violated.

Colorado Privacy Died

This bill requires a state agency or educational institution to obtain consent from parents or eligible students prior to collecting certain data, including biometric records. Biometric records are defined to include DNA. Died.

Colorado Health Insurance Coverage Enacted

This bill amends existing statutes pertaining to mammography coverage for persons with a predisposition to breast cancer by amending provisions related to copayments and deductibles and the frequency of mammography coverage requirements (breast cancer screening with mammography required annually.) Signed by the Governor on May 13, 2013.

Colorado Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination, Privacy, Research Statute

Genetic information is the property of the individual to whom it pertains. Release of genetic information that identifies the person tested for purposes other than diagnosis, treatment and therapy requires specific written consent. Exemptions under the law include some uses by research facilities. researchers may use genetic testing information for scientific research as long as the identity of any individual to whom the information pertains is not disclosed to any third party except that the individuals identity may be disclosed to the individuals physician with written consent. Group disability or long-term care insurers that receive genetic information may not seek, use or keep the information for any non-therapeutic or underwriting purpose. Life insurers and individual disability insurers may not perform a genetic test without informed consent. Penalties are set forth for unfair trade practices with respect to group disability and long-term care insurance.

Colorado Privacy, Research Died

Establishes a parental bill of rights. Requirements include parental consent in writing before any record of a minor child's blood or DNA is made, shared, or stored, unless such blood or DNA is otherwise required by law or court order. Died.

Colorado Other Topics Enacted

Prohibits direct primary health care providers from discriminating in the selection of patients on the basis of genetic information and other protected classes. 4/24/2017 Signed Act.

Colorado Other Topics Statute

Prohibits direct primary health care providers from discriminating in the selection of patients on the basis of genetic information and other protected classes.

Colorado Health Insurance Coverage Died

Amends the health care coverage law for breast cancer screening by requiring coverage for a person with an increased lifetime risk of breast cancer determined by a risk factor model such as Tyrer-Cuzick, BRCAPro, or Gail. 05/02/2016 In Senate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs. Postponed Indefinitely.

Colorado Health Insurance Coverage Enacted

Amends the provision requiring health_insurance_coverage for mammography for an individual with a genetic predisposition. The amended version of the statute refers to guidelines of professional associations to determine coverage requirements. May 16, 2019 Signed by the Governor.

Colorado Privacy Enacted

Creates the Colorado privacy Act. Prohibits the processing of a consumer's sensitive data without first obtaining the consumer's consent. Sensitive data includes genetic or biometric that may be processed for the purpose of uniquely identifying an individual. 7/7/2021 Governor signed. Effective July 1, 2024.

Colorado Privacy Died

Establishes the parent's bill of rights. Requirements set forth in the bill include parental written consent before any record of a minor child's blood or DNA is made, shared or stored unless required by law or court order. 02/13/2020 House Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely.

Colorado Employment Nondiscrimination Enacted

This bill prohibits the reduction of an employees permanent total disability when the disability is a result of a work-related injury or a work-related injury combined with a congenital, genetic or similar conditions except that the law does not apply to reductions in recovery or apportionment allowed pursuant to Colorado Supreme Court decision in Anderson v. Brinkhoff, 859 P.2d 819, (Colo. 1993). Signed into law June 2, 2008.

Connecticut Privacy Died

Prohibits a consumer genetic-testing company from sharing any genetic data or other personally identifiable information about a consumer with any health or life insurance company. Died.

Connecticut Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

Prohibits life insurance companies from requiring genetic testing or using genetic information in connection with life insurance policies and annuity contracts. Died.

Connecticut Other Topics Died

Establishes a task force to require a study of the link between the abnormal genes associated with breast and ovarian cancers and the nerve death associated with Alzheimer's disease to improve diagnosis, risk assessment and treatment of such disease. Died.

Connecticut Privacy Died

Requires businesses to disclose the proposed use of any personal information and to give consumers the right to discover what personal information the business possesses. Consumers may opt out of the sale of such information. Personal information is defined to include biometric information such as DNA which can be used to identify an individual. Died.

Connecticut Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

Prohibits insurers, health care centers or fraternal benefit societies from purchasing information from direct-to-consumer genetic testing; requesting or requiring that a person disclose this information; or using such information in connection with the issuance, extension, renewal or withholding of an annuity, life insurance or health insurance. Insurers may not make provision of any insurance coverage, benefit, rate or term based on a requirement to undergo genetic testing or the results of a genetic test of an individual's family unless the results are in the individual's medical record. Died.

Connecticut Use of Residual Newborn Screening Specimens Statute

The Health Commissioner must review and approve research proposals to be conducted using personally identifiable information in the newborn screening system or requiring contact with affected individuals.

Connecticut Other Topics Died

Creates a penalty for the unauthorized public photography of an individual with a genetic or medical condition. Died.

Connecticut Health Insurance Coverage Died

Requires health_insurance_coverage for genetic cystic fibrosis screenings for women. Died.

Connecticut Health Insurance Coverage Statute

The statute provides coverage of specified services for women who meet the age requirements set forth in the statute. If a woman is believed to be at increased risk for breast cancer due to 1) family history or prior personal history of breast cancer or 2) positive genetic testing or other indications as determined by a woman's physician advanced practice registered nurse, individual and group health insurers must provide a mammogram, which may be provided by breast tomosynthesis at the option of the woman covered under the policy, and comprehensive ultrasound screening of an entire breast or breasts. Ultrasound screening is provided only if a mammogram demonstrates heterogeneous or dense breast tissue based on the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System established by the American College of Radiology.

Connecticut Health Insurance Coverage Enacted

Adds tomosynthesis to health_insurance_coverage requirements if a woman is believed to be at increased risk for breast cancer due to family history or prior personal history of breast cancer, positive genetic testing or other indications as determined by a woman's physician or advanced practice registered nurse. June 2, 2016 Approved. Effective January 1, 2017.

Connecticut Employment Nondiscrimination Died

This bill amends the state genetic nondiscrimination law for employment by creating an exemption for state or local law enforcement, the department of public safety and the division of scientific services that allows those entities to request or require employees to provide genetic information for the purpose of detecting contamination of samples examined by the division of scientific services. Measure failed.

Connecticut Health Insurance Coverage Died

Requires health_insurance_coverage, without any out-of-pocket expense, for: (1) diagnostic and screening mammograms, breast ultrasounds and magnetic resonance imaging of breasts for all insureds; (2) breast biopsies for all insureds, and (3) prophylactic mastectomies and breast reconstruction surgery for all insureds who have the harmful variant of breast cancer gene one (BRCA1), breast cancer gene two (BRCA2) or any similar gene variant that materially increases breast cancer risk. 1/27/2021 Referred to Joint Committee on Insurance and Real Estate.

Connecticut Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination Statute

Prohibits insurers, health care centers and fraternal benefit societies from, in connection with the issuance, withholding, extension or renewal of an annuity or an insurance policy for life, credit life, disability, long-term care, accidental injury, specified disease, hospital indemnity or credit accident insurance: (1) requesting, requiring, purchasing or using information obtained from an entity providing direct-to-consumer genetic testing without the informed written consent of the individual who has been tested; (2) conditioning insurance rates, the provision or renewal of insurance coverage or benefit or other conditions of insurance for an individual on a requirement or agreement that the individual undergo genetic testing; and (3) conditioning insurance rates, the provision or renewal of insurance coverage or benefit or other conditions of insurance for an individual on the results of any genetic testing of a member of the individual's family unless the results are contained in the individual's medical record.

Displaying 101 - 150 of 1175

Additional Resources

Cornell Legal Information Institute
This website allows users to search for Federal and state laws and regulations. NHGRI’s Genome Statute and Legislation Database does not include regulations.

LawSeqSM Database
Developed at the University of Minnesota and Vanderbilt University Medical Center, this database allows users to search federal and state statutes, regulations, and reported judicial decisions. The database allows searches by jurisdiction (federal, state, and individuals states), source type, topic, and open text. This resource was developed by a project funded by NHGRI and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on “LawSeqSM: Building a Sound Legal Foundation for Translating Genomics into Clinical Application” (grant #: R01HG008605; Susan M. Wolf,. Ellen Wright Clayton, and Frances Lawrenz, principal investigators). The team keeps this database up to date.

National Society of Genetic Counselors
To find information about state genetic counselor licensing laws, visit the National Society of Genetic Counselors’ website. NHGRI’s Genome Statute and Legislation Database does not include state laws related to genetic counseling. 

Last updated: February 8, 2024