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News Release
Researchers have conducted the first study to look at the genomic underpinnings of obesity in continental Africans and African Americans.
… has conducted the first study of its kind to look at the genomic underpinnings of obesity in continental Africans and African Americans. They discovered that approximately 1 … in families. Researchers at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of the National Institutes …
News Release
NIH Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health is participating in the H3Africa Consortium's effort to develop an African-specific genotyping array.
… the risk of other diseases in Africans and people of African descent. Mutations in the gene APOL1 , for example, … risk of kidney disease. … "Strides have been made but more research must be done to understand the interactions of … Project, the first comprehensive characterization of genomic diversity across sub-Saharan Africa. The study, which …
News Release
An international team of researchers including NIH has completed the first comprehensive characterization of genomic diversity across sub-Saharan Africa.
… has completed the first comprehensive characterization of genomic diversity across sub-Saharan Africa. The region is … clues to medical conditions in people of sub-Saharan African ancestry, and indicates that the migration from … scientific director of the NIH's National Human Genome Research Institute. "This is an important study that …
News Release
More research must be done to understand the interactions of ancient genes with modern environments.
… the risk of other diseases in Africans and people of African descent. Mutations in the gene APOL1 , for example, … risk of kidney disease. "Strides have been made but more research must be done to understand the interactions of … Project, the first comprehensive characterization of genomic diversity across sub-Saharan Africa. The study, which …
News Release
NIH-backed African scientists are engaged in a global research endeavor to understand the genetic basis of disease in all populations.
… Sheena Faherty, Ph.D. … NIH-backed African scientists are engaged in a global research endeavor to understand the genetic basis of disease … … A Global Research Endeavor Studies have shown that African populations contain the oldest and most diverse set …
News Release
This publication and the release of the accompanying data address knowledge gaps across genomics and are certain to have a continuing impact in the field.
… of modern humans, Africa is home to the greatest genomic variation in the world. An important limitation to … in Nature addresses this lack with a study of 426 African individuals, representing 50 ethnolinguistic groups. … of many researchers, including the TrypanoGEN Research Group and the H3Africa Consortium. Notably, African …
News Release
Two grants will support studies on genomic literacy among Africans relating to research conducted in Africa by African investigators.
… grants totaling more than $300,000 will support studies on genomic literacy among Africans as it relates to research conducted in Africa by African investigators. The three-year grants are part of the …
News Release
Researchers identified regions of the genome associated with skin color variation in some African populations, furthering skin disease and cancer research.
… that are associated with skin color variation in some African populations, opening new avenues for research on skin diseases and cancer in all populations. … … pigmentation, researchers could learn about the underlying genomic alterations that were responsible for difference in …
Clinical Research
GENE-FORECAST® is developing a community cohort and resource for defining the significance of ancestry-related genomic variation in African-Americans.
… study is developing a community-based cohort and novel genomic science resource for defining the biological … significance of ancestry-related genomic variation in African-Americans. … GENE-FORECAST® will test the working … … Nicole Plass, B.S.N., M.P.A. Outreach & Recruitment Research Coordinator National Institutes of Health National …
News Release
The largest genomic study on type 2 diabetes in Africans to date has recently been published in Nature Communications and reports the most recent findings of the ongoing Africa America Diabetes Mellitus (AADM) study that has been led by Dr. Charles Rotimi for over two decades.
… Amy Bentley … The largest genomic study on type 2 diabetes in Africans to date has … of the Genomics of Type 2 Diabetes in Africans Identifies African-specific Risk Locus … The largest genomic study on type 2 diabetes in Africans to date has …