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News Release
Using a recently developed DNA base-editing technique, researchers correct accelerating aging disorder.
… Prabarna Ganguly, Ph.D. … Using a recently developed DNA base-editing technique, researchers correct accelerating aging … Tennessee.    Your browser does not support the video tag. Base editing for progeria treatment Progeria is caused by a …
Policy Issues
Genome editing is a method that lets scientists change the DNA of many organisms, including plants, bacteria, and animals.
… Genome editing is a method that lets scientists change the DNA of … many organisms, including plants, bacteria, and animals. Editing DNA can lead to changes in physical traits, like eye … Scientists use different technologies to do this. … Genome editing technologies enable scientists to make changes to …
Policy Issues
Most ethical discussions about genome editing center on human germline editing because changes are passed down to future generations.
… Most of the ethical discussions related to genome editing center around human germline because editing changes made in the germline would be passed down to future generations. … The debate about genome editing is not a new one but has regained attention following …
Policy Issues
Scientists have edited genomes for many years, but CRISPR technology has improved the speed, cost, accuracy, and efficiency of genome editing ​
… the conversation about the science and ethics of genome editing has grown louder due to faster, cheaper, and more … media tends to focus on the potential use of genome editing in humans, the main application of this technology has been in basic research. Editing the genomes of yeast, bacteria, mice, zebrafish, and …
Policy Issues
Genome editing is currently being applied to research on cancer, mental health, rare diseases, and many other disease areas.
… Genome editing is currently being applied to research on cancer, … such as mice or zebrafish. Researchers rely on genome editing tools as a way to explore the connection between  … might be to model human disease in mice by deleting or editing certain genes that are thought to contribute to the …
Educational Resources
A base pair consists of two complementary DNA nucleotide bases that pair together to form a “rung of the DNA ladder.”
Base Pair … A base pair consists of two complementary DNA nucleotide bases … Amino Acids, Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine, Base Pairs, Double Helix, DNA … A base pair consists of two complementary DNA nucleotide bases …
Policy Issues
Scientific institutions are developing recommendations to support the responsible use of human gene-editing research.
… decision-making for the responsible use of human genome-editing research. … In light of recent advances in gene-editing research and technologies, the National Academies of … decision making for the responsible use of human gene-editing research. This initiative examined the clinical, …
Policy Issues
Patients with genetic disorders and members of the public have diverse about germline genome editing.
… world, have diverse views about whether germline genome editing should be used to prevent or treat genetic disorders. … disorders have diverse views on whether germline genome editing should be used to prevent or treat genetic disorders. … to be a disability. They worry that if human genome editing becomes widespread, persons born with genetic …
News Release
Scientists are using an exciting gene editing tool called CRISPR/Cas9 to protect plants from harmful DNA viruses, strengthening the plant's protections.
… Julie Coursen … Scientists are using an exciting gene editing tool called CRISPR/Cas9 to protect plants from … in many organisms, and this latest iteration develops gene-editing for use in plants. … The November Genome Advance of … The recent International Summit on Human Gene Editing focused on these issues, including the concern that …
News Release
NHGRI researchers asked patients, parents and physicians in the sickle cell disease community (SCD) what they wanted and needed to know about genome editing to make informed decisions about participating in genome-editing clinical trials.
… … As public interest and expanded research in human genome editing grows, many questions remain about ethical, legal and … community what they wanted and needed to know about genome editing to make informed decisions about participating in genome-editing clinical trials. Gene-editing treatments, which …