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Research Funding
Fosters basic and applied research on the ethical, legal and social implications of genetic and genomic research. ​
News Release
The Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Consortium has offered an ethical framework to guide pediatricians in pursuing clinical sequencing studies.
Research Funding
The Knockout Mouse Phenotyping Project (KOMP2) collaborates with the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) to knockout and characterize all protein-coding genes in the mouse genome.
News Release
NHGRI hosted a CRISPR "Ask Me Anything" with Jennifer Doudna, Ph.D., reaching 10.5 million people worldwide.
News Release
NIH programs are establishing which genes and genomic variants play a role in human disease, enabling use in medicine and research.
For Health Professionals
Essential genomics competencies, practice guidelines, and curricular resources for a variety of health professions.
NHGRI will host a two-day symposium, on December 2-3, 2021, examining the history of eugenics and scientific racism and their complex legacies in the modern health sciences.
… of Illinois) Slides   10:45 - 11:15 a.m. Race and Reproduction: The North Carolina Story Johanna Schoen …
Genetic Disorders
Neurofibromatosis is a genetic neurological disorder that can affect the brain, spinal cord, nerves and skin.
Policy Issues
Patients with genetic disorders and members of the public have diverse about germline genome editing.
… it is illegal to modify the genomes of embryos used for reproduction; however, in February 2015, the UK Human …
Genetic Disorders
Trimethylaminuria is a metabolic condition in which an individual is not able to convert trimethylamine into a compound called trimethylamine N-oxide.