Your Genome & You Infographic
The Your Genome & You infographic introduces the basics of genetics and genomics, and how the science impacts our lives. The infographic was designed by the National Human Genome Research Institute's Community Engagement in Genomics Working Group, which brings together community liaisons, health advocates and health practitioners representing diverse populations to engage communities around genomic science, to inform and share perspectives about genomic research, and to impact the focus of research.
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Text in the infographic:
Knowing about your genome helps you understand your health and supports your health decisions
GENOME is just a fancy word for all your DNA
Your GENOME contains all the instructions for you to grow throughout your lifetime. These instructions are passed down from your mother and father
Diagram showing your GENOME - 1/2 of your father’s DNA and 1/2 of your mother’s DNA determine your height, eye color and whether or not you may inherit diseases.
These instructions make you unique
You can play an active role in keeping your genome health. You can eat health foods. You can exercise. You can avoid things that might cause diseases.
Diagram showing your life (stress, smoking, exercise and diet) and your environment (pollution, exposure to sunlight or nature) affects your genome.
We are learning new things about the human genome every day.
Developed by the National Human Genome Research Institute’s Partnership for Community Outreach and Engagement in Genomics.
To find out more about genetics and genomics, visit
Last updated: August 31, 2021