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Media Availability
Researchers have used a new combination of microfluidics and genomics to fish out a specific gut bacterium from the sea of microbes in the human microbiome.
… of microfluidics and genomics to fish out a specific gut bacterium from the sea of trillions of microbes in the human … by isolation of a "Most Wanted" microbe from the human gut. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , DOI: …
For Teachers
A microbiome is all of the genetic material found in a microbe, such as a bacterium, fungal cell or virus.
… all of the genetic material found in a microbe, such as a bacterium, fungal cell or virus. It also may refer to the … Nature highlights the roles of microorganisms in the human gut and suggests that these microorganism essentially serve … ​ … Microbiome, Microbes, Genetic Material, Microbial DNA, Gut DNA, Fungus, Bacteria, Virus, Microbial Genome … A …
15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Genomics is advancing the study of individual and communities of microbes.
… be able to properly digest food without them living in our gut, or to have a  working immune system  without regular … microbes. However, things can also go wrong with your gut microbiome, such as when infection with the bacterium  H. pylori  leads to ulcers -  this discovery led …
Final outcomes from the most comprehensive analysis to-date of humans and their microbiomes definitively link microbes and microbial activities with health problems.
… had significantly lower levels of an naturally occurring bacterium, Lactobacillus crispatus . It is a key member of … has been associated with shifts in the composition of the gut microbiome from a healthy one. These shifts are in turn … that are commonly found in high abundance in healthy gut microbiomes, such as F. prausnitzii and R. hominis , were …
News Release
The skin microbiota plays an intricate role in the human immune system, directing many immune functions and defending against bacterial pathogens.
… to defend their dwelling place - us. For example, the skin bacterium Staphylococcus epidermidis produces a secretion … because they have the concept that the microbes in their gut are providing a benefit," said Dr. Segre. "Whereas on …
Genetic Disorders
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that causes the body to produce thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs, leads to infection, and blocks the pancreas.
… completed a genetic map for the Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium. This bacterium is the most common cause of chronic and fatal lung … with CF. Scientists hope to use their knowledge of this bacterium's genetic sequence to develop innovative drugs for …
The Genomics Landscape
In the December 2023 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director Eric Green, looks back on Bettie Graham's 50 years of federal service and as a champion for diversity in the genomics workforce, as she retires at the end of 2023.
… has abundant microbes on their skin. Just like one’s gut microbiome, these microbes play important roles in an …
Fact Sheets
Estimated cost of sequencing the human genome over time since the Human Genome Project.
… genome sizes. For example, the genome of  E. coli  (a bacterium that lives in your gut) is ~5 million bases (also called megabases), that of a …
Dr. Julie Segre is chief and a senior investigator in the Translational and Functional Genomics Branch at the National Human Genome Research Institute. ​
… goal is to create a drug strategy that capitalizes on the bacterium's loss of fitness typically associated with …
News Release
Three research teams funded by NIH gather data at the most basic molecular levels about the biological processes that make up the human microbiome.
… is believed to be closely linked to microorganisms in the gut, but no specific microbe or population of microbes has … agents. This project will attempt to pry apart the entire gut microbial ecosystem to determine precisely which microbes … hope to uncover the molecular mechanisms by which the gut microbiome causes disease and to determine whether …