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Funding Opportunities for Investigator-Initiated Research in Computational Genomics and Data Science


The Computational Genomics and Data Science Program Announcements (PARs) invite applications for investigator-initiated research efforts fostering innovation in computational genomics, data science, statistics, bioinformatics, and data visualization and exploration. This initiative supports research developing innovative analytical methodologies, approaches and early-stage development of tools and software, and refinement or hardening of software and tools of high value to the biomedical genomics community. Awards are enabling for genomics, broadly applicable to human health and disease, and generalizable across diseases and biological systems. These funding opportunities are one part of NHGRI’s broader efforts in Computational Genomics and Data Science.

Funding Opportunities


Concept: Investigator Initiated Research in Computational Genomics and Data Science (R01/R21/R15/R41/R42/R43/R44 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)


PAR-21-254: Investigator Initiated Research in Computational Genomics and Data Science (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Expiration Date: September 8, 2024

PAR-21-255: Investigator Initiated Research in Computational Genomics and Data Science (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Expiration Date: September 8, 2024


PAR-18-843: Investigator Initiated Research in Computational Genomics and Data Science (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Expiration Date: September 8, 2021

PAR-18-844: Investigator Initiated Research in Computational Genomics and Data Science (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Expiration Date: September 8, 2021


Active Awards

AwardeeInstitutionTitleProject Number and Details
BEER, MICHAEL AJOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITYUsing Syntenic Gapped-kmer Composition to Detect Conserved Enhancers where Sequence Alignment FailsHG012110
QIN, LI-XUANSLOAN-KETTERING INST CAN RESEARCHEvaluation and Development of Statistical Methods for Data Harmonization in Molecular PrognosticationHG012124
AZIZI, ELHAMCOLUMBIA UNIV NEW YORK MORNINGSIDEComputational toolbox for spatial transcriptomic analysis of complex tissuesHG012639
RIGOUTSOS, ISIDORETHOMAS JEFFERSON UNIVERSITYSpecialized Tools and Auto-updatable Scalable Interactive Databases to Study isomiRs, tRFs and rRFs in Human and MouseHG012784
RAY, DEBASHREEJOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITYStatistical methods for identifying pleiotropy between complex human traitsHG012978
ZANG, CHONGZHIUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIAA multi-level bias correction model for bulk and single-cell CUT&Tag dataHG012981
TINTLE, NATHAN LFATTY ACID RESEARCH INSTITUTENovel methods to improve the utility of genomics summary statisticsHG012998
MORRISON, JEAN VUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN AT ANN ARBORMendelian randomization for modern data: Integrating data resources to improve accuracy of causal estimates.HG013104
SONG, YUN SUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEYScalable Computational Methods for Genealogical Inference: from species level to single cellsHG013117


Previous Awards

AwardeeInstitutionTitleProject Number and Details
GUSEV, ALEXANDERDANA-FARBER CANCER INSTEfficient methods for identifying cryptic relatedness in millions of individualsHG010748
GERSTEIN, MARK BENDERYALE UNIVERSITYEnhancing open data sharing for functional genomics experiments: Measures to quantify genomic information leakage and file formats for privacy preservationHG010749
LI, WEICHILDREN'S RESEARCH INSTITUTEModeling Functional Elements using CRISPR ScreeningHG010753
QUINLAN, AARON RUNIVERSITY OF UTAHScalable detection and interpretation of structural variation in human genomesHG010757
BANSAL, VIKASUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGOComputational methods for variant calling and haplotyping using long-read sequencing technologiesHG010759
HE, XINUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGORefining mutation rates and measures of purifying selection with an application to understanding the impact of non-coding variation on neuropsychiatric diseasesHG010773
KERN, ANDREW DUNIVERSITY OF OREGONDeep learning for population geneticsHG010774
ZACHAREWSKI, TIMOTHY RMICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITYAdvancing chemical and drug safety testing using single-cell RNA-sequencingHG010789
WANG, XIAOFENGTRUSTEES OF INDIANA UNIVERSITYSecure and Privacy-preserving Genome-wide and Phenome-wide Association Studies via Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX)HG010798
GE, XIJINSOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITYAn interactive tool for in-depth and reproducible analysis of RNA-seq dataHG010805
SABATTI, CHIARASTANFORD UNIVERSITYThe pursuit of genetic causal mechanismsHG010812
GAMAZON, ERIC RVANDERBILT UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTERAdvancing Multi-Omics and Electronic Health Records Computational MethodologiesHG011138
IRIZARRY, RAFAEL ANGELDANA-FARBER CANCER INSTNext Generation Computational Tools for Functional GenomicsHG011139
LANGMEAD, BENJAMIN THOMASJOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITYPersonal and panel references for improved alignmentHG011392
RALPH, PETER LOCHHEADUNIVERSITY OF OREGONScaling up computational genomics with tree sequencesHG011395
PANDEY, GAURAVICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAIIntegrating genomic and clinical data to predict disease phenotypes using heterogeneous ensemblesHG011407
GEHLENBORG, NILSHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLGrammar-Driven Genomic Data VisualizationHG011773
LAYER, RYAN MUNIVERSITY OF COLORADOMining Thousands of Genomes to Classify Somatic and Pathogenic Structural VariantsHG011774
JERNIGAN, ROBERT LIOWA STATE UNIVERSITYNovel Use of Genome Information to Understand MutationsHG012117
KOO, PETER KCOLD SPRING HARBOR LABORATORYInterpretable Computational Models of Functional Genomics DataHG012131
MANCUSO, NICHOLASUNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIACharacterizing the evolutionary architecture of complex disease within and across diverse populationsHG012133
POPIC, VICTORIABROAD INSTITUTE, INC.Cross-platform structural variant discovery with deep learningHG012467
KINGSFORD, CARLETON LEECARNEGIE-MELLON UNIVERSITYImproved genomic sketching for MUMmer and metagenomicsHG012470
CHUNG, DONGJUNOHIO STATE UNIVERSITYStatistical Power Calculation Framework for Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics ExperimentsHG012482
SHEFFIELD, NATHANUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIANovel methods for large-scale genomic interval comparisonHG012558
PARK, PETER JHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLDevelopment and Application of Computational Methods for Single Cell DNA Sequencing DataHG012573

Contact Information

For any comments or questions please contact Daniel Gilchrist at daniel.gilchrist@nih.gov.

Program Staff

Daniel A. Gilchrist, Ph.D.
Daniel A. Gilchrist, Ph.D.
  • Program Director
  • Division of Genome Sciences
Alessandra Serrano-Marroquin
Alessandra L. Serrano Marroquin, B.A.
  • Scientific Program Analyst
  • Division of Genome Sciences

Last updated: July 17, 2024