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Dr. Daniel Shriner is a researcher in NHGRI's Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health.
… Dr. Shriner received his Bachelor's (summa cum laude) from the … … Biography … Publications … Research Projects … Daniel Shriner, Ph.D. … Daniel Shriner, Center for Research on Genomics and Global …
News Release
Cell Press' "Best of AJHG 2017-2018" includes an article authored by CRGGH researchers Daniel Shriner and Charles Rotimi.
… on Genomics and Global Health (CRGGH), researchers Daniel Shriner and Charles Rotimi. … The manuscript , entitled … Science Magazine , and others. Congratulations to authors Daniel Shriner and Charles Rotimi! … New Understanding … …
Dr. Daniel Gilchrist is a program director of Computational Genomics and Data Science in NHGRI's Division of Genome Science.
… Dr. Daniel Gilchrist joined the National Human Genome Research … [ PubMed ] … Biography … Publications … Related Projects … Daniel A. Gilchrist, Ph.D. … Daniel Gilchrist, Encyclopedia of DNA Elements, ENCODE, …
News Release
Daniel Kastner, M.D., Ph.D., Scientific Director for the Intramural Research Program at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) recognized for his pioneering work on the genomics of autoinflammatory diseases.
… Prabarna Ganguly, Ph.D. … Daniel Kastner, M.D., Ph.D., Scientific Director for the … have for what you do will carry you through to the end.” … Daniel Kastner receives HHS award and Ross Prize … Daniel Kastner, M.D., Ph.D., Scientific Director for the …
News Release
Researchers used whole genome sequence data to investigate the origin of the mutation that causes "sickling" of red blood cells.
… Amy Bentley … Daniel Shriner and Charles Rotimi, researchers at the Center for … on Genomics and Global Health, CRGGH, Charles Rotimi, Daniel Shriner … Researchers used whole genome sequence data …
News Release
Daniel Kastner was named Federal Employee of the Year as part of the 2018 Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals program.
… Kiara Palmer … Daniel Kastner, M.D., Ph.D., scientific director of the … Dan Kastner Named 2018 Federal Employee of the Year … Daniel Kastner was named Federal Employee of the Year as part … Kastner, autoinflammatory diseases, undiagnosed diseases … Daniel Kastner was named Federal Employee of the Year as part …
News Release
NIH researchers have discovered a rare and sometimes lethal inflammatory disease - otulipenia - that primarily affects young children.
… life changing for these children and their families," said Daniel Kastner, M.D., Ph.D., co-author and NHGRI scientific … children. ​ … Inflammatory diseases, otulipenia, OTULIN, Daniel Kastner M.D. Ph.D., Ivona Aksentijevich, M.D. … NIH …
News Release
Researchers recommend genomic approaches to discovering inherited variants in one or a handful of genes that affect an individual's rare disease risk.
… determine that a variant is implicated in disease," said Daniel MacArthur, M.D., Ph.D., first author and an assistant … M.D., Ph.D., genomic mutations and disease, Teri Manolio, Daniel MacArthur, M.D., Ph.D. … Researchers recommend genomic …
News Release
NHGRI researchers collaborated with physicians and medical geneticists worldwide to create the Atlas of Human Malformation Syndromes in Diverse Populations.
… . "This atlas is long overdue and much needed," said Daniel Kastner, M.D., Ph.D., NHGRI scientific director. "The … and diagnosis, physical traits atlas, Max Muenke M.D., Daniel Kastner M.D. Ph.D., Adebowale Adeyemo M.D., Paul …
Jie Zhou is a data manager and SAS programmer at NHGRI's Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health.
… Curriculum Vitae … Ramos E, Doumatey A, Elkahloun AG, Shriner D, Huang H, Chen G, Zhou J, McLeod H, Adeyemo A, … F, Johnson T, Fasanmade O, Rufus T, Furbert-Harris P, Daniel HI, Berg KA, Collins FS, Dunston GM, Rotimi CN. … Abbiyesuku F, Johnson T, Rufus T, Fasanmade O, Kittles R, Daniel H, Chen Y, Dunston G, Collins FS; Africa America …